The S.P.A.R.K. training program is designed to provide staff with a structured framework that ensures the physical and emotional safety of dogs and staff while fostering an engaging and proactive daycare environment. The program is built on five key pillars: Safety, Proactivity, Activity, Recognition of Signs, and Keen Intervention.
Safety & Scoring
Objective: To ensure the physical and emotional safety of both dogs and staff by utilizing a standardized evaluation system and prioritizing clear safety protocols.Expanded Training ContentPrioritize Safety First: Reinforce the mindset that safety always takes precedence over fun or convenience.Ensure that all staff understand and implement proper PPE (personal protective equipment) when necessary.Establish clear safety zones within the daycare, including isolation areas for dogs exhibiting high levels of stress or aggression.Introduce the D.R.A.W. (Damage Threat Level and Red Zone Potential) System: Provide an overview of the D.R.A.W. system to evaluate dogs’ damage threat levels and red zone potentials.Teach staff to assign dogs a numerical value for both their potential for causing damage and likelihood of entering a red zone (aggression).Scenarios & Exercises: Use role-playing scenarios to help staff practice scoring dogs in real-life situations (e.g., evaluating a new dog entering the facility).Establish Incident Reporting:Set up a detailed system for reporting incidents, including a standardized form and protocol for any biting, fighting, or other aggression.Create a debrief process for team reflection and learning after incidents.