The D.R.A.W. system is a comprehensive tool used to assess and evaluate each dog’s potential to cause physical harm (damage threat level) and their likelihood of entering the red zone, which indicates aggression or loss of control.
Teach staff how to adjust daycare playgroups based on the combined scores of dogs. For instance, a dog with a DTL of 9 should only interact with dogs that have a red zone potential of 1 or 2 to minimize risk.
Damage Threat Level (DTL):
Objective: Evaluate the potential physical damage a dog can cause based on their size, breed, bite force, and previous behavioral history.
Levels of Threat:
Training in DTL: Provide staff with comprehensive visual aids and case studies to help them assign appropriate DTLs to each dog. Run simulations where staff practice scoring dogs based on appearance, behavior, and breed. Full D.R.A.W. Canine Behavior Assessment Course and Resources available and recommended prior to completing this course. Click to Enroll.
[add sample visual aid and case study resources from DRAW course]
Red Zone Potential (RZP):
Objective: Measure a dog’s likelihood of exhibiting aggressive behavior that could harm other
dogs or staff. This evaluation takes into account the dog’s body language, vocalizations, and past experiences.
Indicators of Red Zone Behavior:
Low Risk (1-2): Relaxed, playful dogs with no history of aggression.
Moderate Risk (5-6): Dogs that show occasional stress or anxiety but can be calmed quickly.
High Risk (9-10): Dogs that have a history of lunging, biting, or exhibiting uncontrollable aggression.
Training in RZP: Train staff to assess red zone potential by watching for early warning signs like fixating stares, excessive barking, or intense body stiffness. Conduct drills where staff are asked to categorize dogs based on video examples or real-life scenarios. Full D.R.A.W. Canine Behavior Assessment Course and Resources available and recommended prior to completing this course. Click to Enroll.
[add video showing a dog with early warning signs and also a CTA for the DRAW course again with an clickable image]
Using D.R.A.W. in Practice:
Develop a dog profile for each dog that includes their DTL and RZP scores. This should be updated regularly, especially after any incident or behavior change.
Scoring Practice: Role-play with staff to practice scoring dogs upon first introduction and after an interaction. Use real-world examples where staff score a dog’s DTL and RZP based on specific interactions.
[a final CTA to get the DRAW course here and also a fun activity and a button to move to the next section]