S.P.A.R.K. Dog Daycare Training Course

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Staff Mobility & Interaction

Engagement with the Dogs:
Staff must remain active and engaged with the dogs at all times. Their role is to monitor behavior, adjust play, and ensure all dogs are getting the right level of physical and mental stimulation.

Establish a daily checklist that ensures staff are not only monitoring play but are also consistently engaging with different dogs, moving between groups, and adjusting activities based on the energy level of the dogs present. Supervisors can use this checklist to ensure staff are maintaining the level of engagement expected.

Constant Movement:

Staff should be trained to continually move around the play area rather than staying in one spot. By moving through different groups, they can ensure they are monitoring all dogs and stepping in when needed.

Engage Individually: Encourage staff to spend time interacting one-on-one with dogs throughout the day. This individual attention helps dogs feel secure and builds rapport between the dog and staff member.

Group Dynamics Adjustment:

Teach staff to regularly assess and adjust group dynamics. For example, if a certain group of dogs begins to show signs of stress, or if one dog is dominating the play too much, staff should step in to either redirect attention or remove a dog for a break.

Avoid Stagnation: Make sure staff know how to intervene when play becomes stagnant. If dogs are losing interest in one activity, staff should switch up the game or introduce a new stimulus (e.g., a different toy or game) to keep engagement levels high.

Managing Transitions Between Activities and Play Areas:

Transition Training: Staff should be trained in how to smoothly transition dogs between different play areas or activities. This includes how to recall dogs when it’s time to move and how to safely and calmly guide them to new areas without causing excitement or stress.

Reducing Excitement During Transitions: Over-excitement during transitions can lead to accidents or conflicts between dogs. Staff should practice using calming tones and positive reinforcement to guide dogs into new areas calmly and under control.

Daily Checklists for Staff Mobility:

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